1898: USRC McCulloch fights under Commodore George Dewey at the Battle of Manila Bay.  Captain Hodgson recommended retired at full pay as reward of merit.
1900: The Lighthouse Board took charge of the Puerto Rican lighthouses.
1921: The first radio fog signals in the United States were placed in commission on Ambrose Lightship, Fire Island Lightship, and Sea Girt Light Station, NJ
1935: By Department of Commerce authority, a readjustment of the boundary between the 3rd and 4th Lighthouse Districts was made, by which certain aids to navigation in the approaches to Delaware Bay, including Overfalls Lightship, were placed under the jurisdiction of the 4th Lighthouse District.
1936: Whaling Treaty Act made it unlawful to take right whales or calves of any whale.  Enforced by the Coast Guard.
1942: Two Coast Guard planes located lifeboat with 13 survivors landed in open sea and took injured men ashore as others rescued by lifeboat station boat.